Wednesday, February 25, 2009

so you can imagine we were really there

Henry thought it would be so neat if I would post this picture I took (at his request) of President Obama (at his recent speech before congress) so that people would think we were really there! You'll have to imagine the KPTS call letters and PBS logo out of the screen.


A few days after my last post women gathered at our house for a belated Candlemas / Imbolc birth blessing led by Jen and Yolanda. Here are some of the beautiful images they painted on my belly.One of the evening's rituals included planting birthing blessings into the soil in this bowl. A week or so later, I planted nasturtium seeds in amongst the blessings.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

with great trust

About a year after I began blogging, a year after a second miscarriage, we wait for a second child, due around February 20. I met Rainer Maria Rilke when I was sixteen through his book Letters to a Young Poet. I'm not sixteen anymore, but a 38-year-old mother. Rilke's words, though, ring truer than ever.

Try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms...

Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you
because you would not be able to live them.

And the point is, to live everything.

Live the questions now.

...[B]ut take whatever comes with great trust.

Wow! I have no idea how this is all going to shake we will become a family of four. But I'm taking it with great much of the time as I can, and trying to knit my way through uncertainty. I hope to show photos of that endeavor soon.