Wednesday, February 25, 2009


A few days after my last post women gathered at our house for a belated Candlemas / Imbolc birth blessing led by Jen and Yolanda. Here are some of the beautiful images they painted on my belly.One of the evening's rituals included planting birthing blessings into the soil in this bowl. A week or so later, I planted nasturtium seeds in amongst the blessings.


Lisa Anne said...

Just catching up, I haven't stopped by for a while. Beautiful Baby belly. The experience of a Blessingway is a lovely thing. I did not have one when my daughter was born but when I moved my friends gave me a blessingway to send me on my new journey.

Lizz said...

I love blessingways. Wish I could have been there with you. I will send a blessing your way.
