Thursday, June 12, 2008

family group

Thinking of Bob Regier's pen and ink drawing, I'm giving this typical bedtime scene the same name. Sometimes the falling asleep takes too much parental patience, but the getting there is rather sweet when we're all three in Henry's bed together. In the summer, it seems, he prefers falling asleep at the foot of the bed.


Beth said...

I've always been moved by that Bob Regier drawing -- I remember seeing it for the first time when I worked in the art therapy department at Prairie View back in the 80's. Your family still life is beautiful! What a nice, peaceful way to end your day. I'm glad you noted Henry at the end of the bed -- I hadn't quite made that out yet :)

kristin said...

this is all i needed to see to feel more at peace with the hours spent helping three fall asleep.

thank you.