Friday, May 9, 2008


This hamburger from the local meat market is one of the foods that powers Joel to work hard
repairing computers while I go to preschool with Henry and pretend not to know that he is making this for me (hope I haven't spilled the beans for too many mothers out there),
thanks to this woman (and her church's) openness to a "work-study" program.
This yogurt made by Sara is made possible by milk from the dairy that also provided more asparagus, the time to purchase it having been made possible by my neighbors, who gave us this when I came to pick up Henry.And this is not mentioning the tip Becky gave me so I could take her turn doing the milk run, or the camera I'm borrowing from Libby so I can, for a while, take some clearer close-up photos, or the undergirding love and support of two sets of parents, or the conversation I had with the milk hostess the other day about how God provides. Yes, God does. Through interdependence.

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