Sunday, March 16, 2008

death and resurrection

This illustration of an overjoyed Persephone being reunited with her mother Demeter is just one of many beautiful pictures from a book I used to read at my piano teacher's house.
Mary shared her extensive library with us during the 1 - 1.5 hours the four and then three of us sisters spent having our lessons and waiting for the others to finish. That was a great gift my parents gave me, and I'm not sure whether I'm talking about the piano lesson itself, or the introduction to spiritual direction and retreating that the lesson with listening Mary and the subsequent waiting period provided. What an enriched and beautiful environment it was. Dark library with fireplace and books all the way to the ceiling, sun room with pink wallpaper, one of the Bronte sisters hanging in an oval frame, red geraniums in copper pots under the windows. At least that is how I remember it.

Joel read the story of Persephone (from another book) to Henry the other night and I was reminded that it is also in the d'Aulaires' book. Quite the collaborative couple they were. We were talking about how the Resurrection of Jesus echoes the earlier story of Persephone and how universal and necessary that experience of rising from the depths is. How many deaths and resurrections life holds.

And now we are entering Holy Week. Happy springtime! And, for all to whom it is meaningful--myself included--a blessed week of walking toward the cross with Jesus.


Jonathan Andreas said...

I also love the story of Persephone and often seem to tell it as a bedtime story with the changing seasons. Thanks for reminding me of this connection during Holy Week.

Anonymous said...

did a young beverly have the look of wonder just like henry as she wandered the library and sunroom?

oh, i imagine so.

Kelly said...

Bev, I just took some time to peruse your blog. I enjoy your writing style and great pictures.

Ah, homeschooling. Greg and I are "assess afresh every year to see if this is still the best path for our daughters" homeschoolers. We have thoroughly enjoyed the journey so far (albeit with "I can't do this another day" moments). We have decided to start out oldest two girls (just about 12and 10) in public school next year. This will be a big step for all of us, but we have been talking, praying, thinking, assessing and feel a "terrifired peace" about this step and that this is the right direction (at least for now). What I love about homeschooling and hope to continue in who we are as a family is sharing great literature and discussing deep things, sharing "aha!" moments that hearken back to shared stories and experiences, ditching books on a beautiful day and taking nature journals to the arboretum (okay, we won't be missing school, but it's the principle of sharing those joys). I specifically use Sonlight Curriculum and LOVE IT! It is based on Charlotte Mason ideas but most of the legwork is done and beautifully so. We are currently studying the eastern hemisphere: history, beliefs, culture, literature, art. Each year, we seek to discover more about the people of this world we live in and seek to understand who they are and how to share a Christlike love for and view of them. In the process we learn a whole lot of history, culture, etc. And of course we throw in language arts, math, I love the science through Sonlight, spelling, etc. Check out their website and see what you think. Sorry for this lengthy comment. Thanks for yours!