Thursday, July 9, 2009

two faces

I've been seeing a lot of these two faces as I nurse Anna and lie in bed. One is ancient, the other new. One dark and expressive, the other light and basic. I like to see them together. (Had to photograph them outside for better light). They're poles I'm hanging out between right now...complexity versus simplicity, suffering versus joy, you get the idea.

I was reading the newest Newsweek at my folks' place today. Do you think we live in a child-centered society? That's what I thought the mag was contending? I don't know about that. I don't think so, really. We may live in a narcissistic society that encourages children not to mature, but I don't know that we really excel at honoring the needs of children, or adults, for that matter.

I like to stare, gaze I guess is the word, at Jesus on my wall. This icon sits on the prayer table in the house where I used to go to twice-weekly early morning prayers. I had missed it since moving back to Kansas, so Joel got it for me at Eighth Day Books several years ago and now it hangs by the changing table, next to the basket where Anna's doll rests.

At what have you been gazing?


Lisa Anne said...

I love the icon, I have a friend nearby who paints icons. The are incredible, oddly enough she also makes waldorf dolls!
I am always talking about this narcissistic culture of overgrown children to anyone who will listen, it is my main come back when someone asks me "what about your daughter's socialization?" when they find out she is homeschooled.

Lizz said...

Popping in to say hello. You look lovely!

Lora (Taylor) Dungan said...

Polarities...I completely understand. Life, with all its complexities...the sacred vs. the secular and the intermingling of the two. I have a copy of a poem from Mothering magazine (found several yrs. ago,)that I would like to share with you...I believe it can still be found through their online site. It is titled, "The Lucky One." (Or, maybe, "I'm The Lucky One.")

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful post, and a lovely photo to go with your thoughts/writing. Sadly, I do not think we live in a child centered society at all. Wouldn't it be a beautiful thing if we were more centered around the ideas of the two faces and the sentiments behind them in your photo! Your right in saying our culture is not excelling at honoring the needs of adults as well...