Thursday, May 14, 2009


The sibling relationship is not always easy, but it is coming along beautifully. Henry doesn't like it when Anna cries for extended periods of in the car when I am driving and we have already stopped at a rest stop once to nurse and ...

Mostly, though, I've been amazed by how he has welcomed her into his life, ooohing and aaahing. Someone asked me if it wasn't nice to have Henry off to school during the day so that I could have time with Anna alone. Actually, I like it better the way it is. Being home together except for Wednesdays and Thursdays makes it nicer and easier for us to be together. Time spent together strengthens our relationships and helps us appreciate the rhythms we share and those that are unique to each person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am new to your blog I am enjoying your gentle writing and topics! This is a lovely post, I like what you wrote about appreciating the rhythms we share and those that are unique to each person... so true, I agree it is wonderful having my children at home as well.