Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why not now?

As midnight nears and I listen to lovely music from an inspiring blog that I won't name until I secure permission from the author (where's the place to check for blog etiquette for faux-pas-fearing people like myself?), I think it might as well be now that I establish the blog identity I started creating last summer. Why not now??? The to-do list won't get any shorter; it'll just keep morphing. I look forward to entering a more intentional time of learning from the many bloggers I've been keeping up with. These folks have enriched my life in so many direct and indirect ways.

It's been a good day of sopping up the richness life has to offer with the bread that's been handed to me along the way. Today Joel sent me a link to an inspiring "this I believe" written by Kevin Kelly, one of the founders of Wired magazine (of which I'm a fairly faithful reader). I leave you with Kevin Kelly's fine essay, whose title alone ("The Universe Conspires to Help Us") has blessed my day. Good night!


Jen said...

Bev, Welcome to blogdom! I hope to check regularly and be inspired by your posts. One thing that is difficult for me (being a 6 and feeling a strong need for active listening) is not always receiving feedback from my readers. I want you to know that I will do my best to comment on your posts, but you should also be grounded in the security that I am checking and listening, and loving you, even if I don't.

Yo Kauffman said...

Oh Bev, your reflections and words touch home more than you will ever know. It is amazing how the universe can work if we open ourselves to it. Thank you for opening yourself to the universe and sharing it with me.